Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My ExhiBitIon HomEwoRk

Title: It's our world, we are responsible for it.

Inquiry Into:
1. What causes flood in Jakarta?
2. Human factor of the causes of flood.
3. Specific solutions to address flooding in the city.

Central Idea:
- We are responsible for determining causes of changes in our natural environment.

Group Slogan: flood or no flood, that's the question.

Informations about my inquiry into:
Flood is often caused by rising sea levels. But there are many more. Some of the causes of flood is because of lakes that overflows. Worse floods happen because of a river overflow. Also it is because soil could not absorb water anymore. Sometimes big rains and melted icebergs combine and make big floods. Floods happens also because of broken drain age system. Now there is also a solution that prevents flood. The name of the system is biopore system. It is like drainage system but it is made by making holes with a drill. But this drill is made in Bogor IPB center. Every village is given 7 drills to make holes in their villages. Actually it is holed in each house's backyard. These biopore systems work by absorb water and filter it until the next drought comes the head of village will drill it and take the water. In Tangerang( some where in jakarta) poor drain age system because instead of making a good drain age system intead they are making buildings, roads and many more. Also Tangerang has flood almost everytime is because of heavy rain, heavy rain goes to thelake or river and they over flow . So prevent flood and save other people.

Creator: Wikipedia org
Date accessed: Tuesday 22nd of April 2007
"Warga kota Bogor Mulai Membuat Lubang Biopori" kompas, Sunday, 22 April 2007 Edition 287
Date accessed: Tuesday 22nd of April 2007


Priscilla said...


You have good information! Your picture really show how bad is a flood. Maybe people will be convinced to prevent flood in any way.

-Priscilla T.-

CO2 gGladiator said...

Excellent work!
I love the picture and I also like your information. Keep it up!


Jane in Java said...

A good start. Now you need to do some interviews.

ivanna said...

Wow! Your picture is so cool! I like the car that fall into the water! And your information was so great! Ask the people who see your blog to comment you!

Jane in Java said...

Is this your 1st inquiry into? I can't find any other work so your results based on this are: Understanding of inquiry 2 and Bibliography 2 TOTAL 4/10