Saturday, May 12, 2007


Our group is talking about floods in Jakarta. Because every year Jakarta experience flood. The worst flood happened in February 2007. There was no electricity in some of areas for 3 days, communication was disturbed because Telkom Tower and Mobile Phone Operator Tower were also flooded. Many people were forced to leave their houses and stayed in shelter.
My group is doing an experiment about how flood is created. The materials we used is synthetic paint, cement mixed with flint coat, newspaper, glue, wood and some water prove paint. I made the box, the box's height was 10 cm the wide was 50 cm and the length was 90 cm long.The down part of the box was with the mixture of cement and flint coat. Justin and mark made the pulp with glue, water and some newspaper. Than finally we put the mountain into the box.

1 comment:

Jane in Java said...

Does it work now? Bring it to school so that I can help you.