Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My second inquiry

There are many ways to prevent flood. Some of the ways to prevent flood is to prevent:
Global Warming
Manage Garbage (Reduce, reuse and recycle)

Global Warming

Global warming is causing the ozone layer to get thin and have holes. By having holes in the ozone layer the sunshine will hit the Iceberg to melt, and sea level will increase. To prevent global warming use bikes rather than motorbikes or cars in the neighborhood. Also use environmentally friendly products. Finally use public transportations such as busses.


Did you know that 20 rugby fields of forest are cut down in a single minute. Because of that the soil could not absorb water because there are no more trees, so there are no roots that can hold water. There are so many trees that are illegally logged and burned. Also because of manufacturing. Manufacturing cuts trees to make products such as tissues or papers. To prevent deforestation the government needs to have a strict law. People that are manufacturing needs to be more responsible by planting more trees.

Waste Management

Did you know that people in Jakarta throw 25 meters of garbage everyday; they throw it to the streets, lakes and rivers? Because of that, the water gate will be stuck and the drain age system will be blocked. There are many ways to manage waste, you can reduce, reuse and recycle. By reducing, you can refuse to use plastics and use old plastics from your house. By reusing, you can reuse old papers for scrap papers. By recycling, you can recycle plastics into stuff.

Flood causes people to suffer from sickness. Flood makes businesses to stop. So by preventing these three ways, you can save people from suffering.


1 comment:

Jane in Java said...

Wow I can't even begin to imagine the size of the mountain of garbage that Jakarta must produce each day!